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4 Benefits of Digital-First Payment Requests

November 3, 2021

The payment experience is one of the biggest pain points for both customers and medical practices. Providing online bill pay and digital-first payment requests can help ease the pain, when offered as part of a thoughtful and seamless payment strategy. 25% of healthcare providers want to use more digital-first engagement channels, but only 15% are […]

Top 5 Reasons Patients Don't Pay Their Bills (And How An Online Payment Platform Can Help)

October 7, 2021

Getting patients to pay bills is a challenge. There are some ways to improve the process, such as using the best online payment service, storing card information and offering multiple ways to pay. But it’s hard to make the process foolproof.  Did you know that, as recently as 2016, 68% of patients with hospital bills […]

3 Pros of Using an Online Payment Platform for Patient Pre-Payment

September 29, 2021

When it comes to using an online payment platform to collect patient payments, the benefits are clear. More than 85% of patients want to pay medical bills electronically. They want to understand their costs upfront, and to settle those costs in a timely way.  That’s good for healthcare organizations. While many providers have had to […]

Is Cash Pay Healthcare The Future? How Providers Can Make HDHP Insurance Work

September 8, 2021

Cash pay healthcare is having a moment.  With more than half of Americans enrolled in high deductible healthcare plans, patients are — intentionally or not — choosing cash pay healthcare, at least until their high deductibles are met. That affects how practices manage patient payments, starting at or before the time of service. To understand […]

Introducing the New PayGround Brand – A Letter from our CEO

September 7, 2021

Today is a monumental day for PayGround! Today we go live with our new branding. We’re launching a new logo, color scheme — basically a whole new look and feel to everything you see from PayGround! This is an incredibly exciting season for our company — our strong and steady growth has brought on new […]

What Is Revenue Cycle Management? (And Why It’s More Important Than Ever)

August 24, 2021

What is revenue cycle management? And why is revenue cycle management important in healthcare?  Over the past 18 months, those questions were top of mind for many in the U.S. healthcare industry. During the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly 75% of hospitals and health systems adopted new revenue cycle management (RCM) technology to help their organization stay […]

Fix These 5 Payment Challenges, Improve Your Patient Experience

August 9, 2021

Patient experience is a top priority for all engaged, successful healthcare providers. It’s also one place many practices fall short, especially when it comes to online payment processing.  Did you know 65% of patients would consider switching providers for a better payment experience? Patients want the freedom to pay their bills how and when they […]

3 Things Primary Care Practices Need to Know in 2021

July 28, 2021

Primary care providers have been hit hard over the past 18 months.  A study by the American Medical Association showed that after the pandemic hit:81% of physicians reported lower revenueWith an average decline of 32%, and70% of physicians provided fewer total visits, even as telehealth grew.  When patient volume is down—or rebounding as it is […]

5 Predictions on the Future of Telehealth

June 9, 2021

Is telehealth the future of healthcare? If you asked that question two years ago, you would’ve gotten a very different answer than the one you’ll get today. The COVID-19 pandemic reframed every conversation around the future of telehealth, creating questions and opportunities in equal measure. Here are 5 predictions about how telehealth is shaping the […]

Cancer Survivors Day: Logan's Story

June 6, 2021

Here at PayGround, we celebrate Cancer Survivors Day each year on June 6. Last year we featured our CEO, Drew Mercer, and his journey with testicular cancer. His journey played a huge role in our origin story and is one of the reasons PayGround exists. Today we are honoring a story from 23-year-old Logan Graybill. […]