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How Payment Gateways Can Increase Security & Prevent Data Breaches

August 12, 2020

We hear about them too often: data breaches where credit card information stored online is accessible to hackers. According to IBM Security’s 2019 Data Breach Report, the average cost of a breach for organizations is $3.9 million, with healthcare being the most costly industry. This can deter some small businesses from wanting to modernize their […]

5 Merchant Service Provider Features Businesses Need For Payment Collection

July 29, 2020

Options. When it comes to payment collection, that’s what you need, whether you’re an independent healthcare provider or a retail store. Yet many small businesses don’t know what to look for in merchant service providers. Did you know studies show that nearly half of small businesses don’t know what their credit card processing fee is?  […]

Rate Quotes 101: What You Need to Know About Hidden Merchant Service Fees

July 15, 2020

Every business owner’s been there: You think you got a great rate on your online bill pay system only to be stunned by all the hidden merchant service fees in your first invoice. It’s not uncommon for rate quotes to leave out 5 or even 10 fees that you will absolutely be responsible for paying […]

Catching Up To The Future: Contactless Payments

June 8, 2020

The US is being forced to adapt to a “new normal” very quickly. Whether for good or bad, this requires significant changes in technology and human behavior. These changes can especially be seen in purchasing, where contactless payment is now practically a requirement for any business looking to survive the new social and regulatory constraints. […]

Coronavirus & Our New Normal: 6 Changes Small Businesses Can Expect

May 8, 2020

After September 11th, 2001 our world looked significantly different than it did before. Cultural shifts, like a heightened sense of security at large events, were hard not to notice and are still prevalent today. The mindset of an entire population seemed to change because of one event. Which makes us think: what will our society […]

COVID-19 Response: A Message from PayGround’s CEO

April 22, 2020

Greetings from PayGround Mercer HQ (the PayGround team, like many of you, are working from our homes). The world looks quite different these last several weeks. Covid-19 has caused great stress and uncertainty throughout our society. Last week, one of my very good friends here in Arizona lost his grandmother to this terrible virus. Another […]

What Is PCI Compliance? Everything Small Businesses Need to Know

March 4, 2020

If you own a small business that accepts credit cards, then PCI compliance is a term you have heard. But do you understand what it means? PCI compliance can be intimidating and hard to understand for business owners. That’s why we’re breaking down everything you need to know – from what is PCI compliance to […]

Four Ways to Optimize Revenue Collection

December 24, 2019

Independent healthcare providers know how important it is to optimize revenue collection from both insurance companies and patients. Timely and accurate collections are key to a healthy business, but it’s difficult to know the best path in the complex and ever-changing world of medical billing. Here are 4 key considerations to keep your bottom line […]

Patient Experience And How It Can Impact Your Practice

December 3, 2019

For an independent healthcare provider, success depends on creating a great patient experience. Patients expect good care, but they also expect customer service, convenience and reliability. Patient experience includes every interaction that patients have with the health care system. It starts as soon as the patient learns anything about your practice and ends after they […]